Sunday, 10 September 2017

Healthy Food For Your Hair!♥

Hey gorgeous!,
 How are you?
 In today's blog post I'm going to share some food or some vitamins and minerals that help with the health of your hair, and your body obviously.
Now to be honest, when I read these articles I would say what does this has to do with my hair, but I learned that you are what you eat the hard way.. And I believed that later in life.

Eating healthy means that you are giving yourself the ingredients or the nutrition that your body needs to improve itself, and to help it do it's job. So I decided that I will give you some food that will help your hair improve. And remember, what your health is like inside, it will be shown outside.
   Alright let's start.!

 As we all know, hair is made of a protein called keratin, so in order for your hair to improve, you need to give it the base that it is formulated from. And you find this in: eggs, mayonnaise, chicken, turkey, and dairy products.

 Iron isn't only important for you hair, but for your blood, which is the main part to transfer all the nutrition from a part to another! however, not having so much iron will affect both, and it will cause a health problem, which is known as (anemia), which cause major hair loss, and for a healthy hair, this is a huge problem. you can find this very important mineral in: red meats, dates, and vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and other leafy vegetables.

  Vitamin C:
 whenever you hear the word "Iron", you immediately think of "Vitamin C", because this vitamin aids absorption iron, which means it will work faster, so start eating  the food which contains iron, then drink/eat food that contains vitamin c, and you can find it in: oranges, kiwi, papaya, strawberries, and blueberries.
 Omega-3 helps your hair stay hydrated, keeps it healthy, and make it stronger, too. you can find it in: seafood mostly, especially salmons.


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